Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cold Backup Cloning of Oracle Apps DBA R12.1.1

Cold Backup Cloning


1)      Target database is similar in configuration to source database.
2)      oratest and appltest users are created in the target database under dba group.
3)      Environment is always set when logged in as oracle or applmgr in source system.

Pre Cloning Steps:

1) DB Tier is precloned first. Ex: cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/SID/   perl dbTier

2) Apps Tier to be precloned next. Ex: cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID/ perl appsTier

Cold Backup:

1)      Shutdown Application, Listener and Database. Verify if they are down.
$ ps -ef|grep applprod
applprod 10031  1471  0 18:24:46 pts/ta    0:00 ps -ef
applprod 10032  1471  1 18:24:46 pts/ta    0:00 grep applprod
applprod  1471 29301  0 18:06:07 pts/ta    0:00 –sh

$ ps -ef|grep tns
applprod 10105  1471  0 18:25:41 pts/ta    0:00 grep tns

$ ps -ef|grep oraprod
applprod 10107  1471  0 18:25:46 pts/ta    0:00 grep oraprod
oraprod 29760 29518  0 17:48:26 pts/tb    0:00 -sh

2)      Copy APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP and ORA_TOP from applmgr and move it to Target system under appltest directory.
Ex : scp –r <filename> root@<ipaddress>:<location>
3)      Copy DATA_TOP and DB_TOP from oracle and move it to Target System under oratest directory.
Ex : scp –r <filename> root@<ipaddress>:<location>
4)      Now change the ownerships of the moved files in the target system accordingly.
Ex: chown –R appltest:dba <filename>
      chown  –R oratest:dba  <filename>

Post Cloning Steps:

1)      DB Tier is configured first. Ex: cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin  Perl dbTier.
2)      Enter apps password and all other relevant information.
3)      The database is started.
4)      Apps Tier is configured next. Ex: cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin   perl appsTier
5)      Enter apps password and all other relevant information accordingly.
6)      After it is completed, it prompts whether to start Applications or not.
Log Files :
1)      cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/CONTEXT NAME/*.log
2) cd $APPPL_TOP/admin/CONTEXT NAME/log/*.log or 
cd  /u01/inst/apps/PROD_ashirwad/admin/log/StageAppsTier_11021810.log(R12)

Note:    If u want to take backup use commands
            tar -cvf filename.tar <directoryname>  ß creates
            tar -xvf filename.tar <directoryname>  ß reads
            tar –C <location> -xvf filename.tar     ß untars at a particular location

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

What is Oracle Applications

Oracle Apps is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that caters to overall business need of an enterprise in the areas of Finance, Supply Chain Management,HRMS, Customer Relationship Management etc.  Oracle released an enterprise product called Oracle Application EBusiness suite. 

 Initially Oracle became very popular in Financial services industry as its financial modules like AP,AR and GL covers all major business processes in Financial domain. With that reputation,Oracle has expanded its presence in ERP space with introduction of Supply chain(PO,INV & Order management),Project accounting (Project costing,Project Billing and Project resource Management),HRMS(HR,SSHR,Oracle Advanced Benefits,Oracle time and Labour) and CRM modules.

    Oracle Application - Real time projects are classified into three major categories.

1. Oracle application Implementation (Starting form Initial system study to Go-live, In terms of duration-minimum six months)

2. Oracle Application Upgrade (Upgrading Oracle Application from One version to another like Oracle apps 11i to Oracle apps R12; Duration : based on complexity of upgrade with minimum period of four months)

3. Oracle application support (Oracle Apps Maintenance after Go-live.Not much challenging,only bug fixing or report development)

There will be three main roles that all consultants will be placed in Oracle apps real time projects

1. Functional consultant : Consultant with domain knowledge in Financials,Supply Chain will take the functional consultant role and do the Oracle apps implementation. Those who would like to become Functional consultant, prior domain experience is mandatory and then take the training in Oracle apps to understand the real time business process mapping in Oracle Apps.

2. Technical consultant : Consultant with technical knowledge like PL/SQL and  Reports development can become technical consultant. Their role in implementation is on  new reports development,Interface between Oracle Apps and Third party legacy systems. Basic knowledge in PL/SQL is mandatory to become technical consultant. Now a days Oracle is moving R12 version which is predominantly in Java technology and hence it will be good to have Java exposure to become technical consultant.

3. Database Administrators : Database Administrators will maintain Oracle Apps Database with activities like  periodic backup, system recovery , Patch management ,raising service request with Oracle on any major application issues and Performance tuning. Those who worked as Oracle DBA is a minimum pre requisite to become Oracle Apps DBA.

A typical Oracle Apps Implementation goes through the following phases.

1. Gap analysis
2. Solution design
3. Build
4. Conference room Pilot(Testing)
5. Go-Live

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Installing Oracle Applications E-Business Suite R12 (12.1.1) on Windows XP / Windows 2003 Server / Windows 7

Minimum Hardware Requirements:
1. Windows XP (professional or Home) Service Pack 2/Windows7 / Windows 2003 Server with 2 GB RAM and make sure you have NTFS file system.
2. Hard Disk 300 GB where 233 GB space is required for vision installation (excluding media pack; which needs around 37 GB space). You can use external hard drive too. Don’t listen to those who advise you to install EBS R12 without vision database. I know you are installing all this for learning etc.

Very Important Note: 

1. Make sure there is no oracle product installed on your system. No entry of oracle should be in windows registry except system default by windows itself. So it is recommended to use fresh system for this purpose. If you tried a failed installation before on your PC then reinstall the Operating System again otherwise you will waste your time. You can check how to clean up windows for verfication if any oracle installed  Metalink Note ID 567507.1

2. There should be !!!!NO!!! JDK installed on your machine. EBS will install JDK version on your machine otherwise you will get errors I don’t want to discuss all this here. Just NO JDK on your machine.

Create nessecary directory and add the following entry's in environments

(In this case C drive)Create the following directory in the Windows’s root(c) directory.

C:\tmp. temp
Directory C:\tmp must be created even if C:\ is not the windows root.

Pre-requisites; Utilities:

1. Microsoft VC++
• Make sure that it must be VC 8 or above because VC 6 was valid up to 11i. If you do it with VC 6 then utilities check will not give error but you will stuck at 13% or 66% installation.
• While installing VC++ make sure it is done in C:\MSVS\VC. No spaces in any directory structure of any software you install as pre-requisite for Oracle Apps.
• Copy cl.exe from C:\MSVS\VC\bin to C:\WINDOWS\System32
2. Perl –
• Version 5.8 or more and use MSI package type.
• Perl is only needed if you are using Oracle Media Pack. If you are downloading from oracle site then you can skip this installation.
• Download setup.exe to your machine.
• Run setup.exe and click Next, which will bring up the Choose Installation Type screen.
• Select ; Install from Internet and Click Next
• Select ; Root Directory C:\cygwin and select radio button
• Install for ; All Users and Default Text File Type ; DOS / text ; Next Local Package Directory can be any but C:\cygwin is recommended. ; Next Direct Connection.
• Click on Next again to get to the Select Packages screen, and select the following packages (click on to toggle):
a. All Default
b. Archive Default, plus manually select the zip package
c. Base Default, plus manually select the following extra packages: ash, coreutils, diffutils, findutils, gawk, grep, sed, tar and which
d. Devel Default, plus manually select binutils, gcc, gcc-core, gcc-g++, make and mktemp
e. Doc Default, plus manually select cygwin-doc and man
f. Editors Default, plus manually select vim
g. Interpreters Default, plus manually select gawk
h. Shells Default, plus manually select ash and tcsh
i. Utils Default, plus manually select cygutils and file
• Click on Next again to download the selected files. It will take some time depending upon mirror site you selected and after download cygwin setup will be automatically starts.
• After installation completed, Open folder C:\cygwin\bin and rename followings:
• gawk.exe to awk.exe
• grep.exe to egrep.exe
• make.exe to gnumake.exe
• gcc.exe to cc.exe
• You can override the name if system says that awk or egrep or cc already exits just remove or move to some other place.

4. Set the Path to include the C:\cygwin\bin
• C:\> set PATH = %PATH%;c:\cygwin\bin
• And then check your PATH to see that it include C:\cygwin\bin
• C:\> echo %PATH%

Oracle Media:
You should be having Lasted available Oracle media pack (recommended) or Software download from oracle site and follow the unzipping instruction as per oracle documentation. I have downloaded it from:

Domain Name Configuration:

5. Open file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Enter a domain next to localhost entry you will be using this domain while installing Oracle Applications. I used mydomain so you can replace what ever you want. 198.168.*.* is IP Address of my PC you should enter your machine’s IP. If you don’t know it you can find it.

Host entry will be like

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost
# ::1             localhost          localhost.localdomian
192.168.*.* apps

Step – 6 Loop Back Adaptor Setup

(Recommended over Step 7, even if your system is connected to network)

Loop Back Adaptor Installation

Disconnect the network cable from the system.

Navigate to Control Panel – Add hardware – Yes, I have connected hardware – Add a new hardware – Install a hardware I manually choose – Network Adaptors – Microsoft – Micro soft Loop Back Adaptor and continue to install. Then go to Start – Control panel – Network Connections and open the new connection that has been just installed.

Ensure that the Loop Back adaptor is mentioned in the “Connect Using” Box.

Then navigate to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) – Properties – Use the following IP address for loopback

“IP address”,

“Subnet mask”,

Use the following DNS sever –

“Preferred DNS server” 

C:\>ipconfig --It will show all the three value and should return value when you ping all the IP and Systemname.domainname

Example localhost

 Host name Verification

Verify your hostname – Start – Run - cmd > hostname. It must return apps

Ping your host > ping --when with out lan or wireless installation and also you can see media disconnected other than Loopback.

It will now return  loop back ip address for the read write operation

7. Go to Control Panel > Systems > Computer Name Tab > Click on Change > Click on More > Enter Primary DNS Suffix as ‘mydomain’.

8. Open Network connections, Select your Connection on which your machine is connected (You will find Wireless or LAN) and right click and select properties. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on to properties. Click on Advanced button and go to DNS tab. Enter DNS suffix for this connection as ‘mydomain’.

9. Restart the PC.

Step 10 Setup Printer

Install a Laser printer (even if it is not connected to the server). Make that as the default printer. This step is required for the smooth running of your Concurrent Manager.

Step 11 Staging the Oracle:
If you have Oracle Media Pack then:
Insert the Start Here DVD in DVD Rom and go to folder:
StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz in DOS Prompt and type:

And follow the wizard.
Finally you must have these five folders in StageR12 Directory:
1. oraAppDB
2. oraApps
3. oraAS
4. oraDB
5. startCD
Note: If you have downloaded the media from oracle site, then you just need to put the downloaded and extracted folders in the proper directories… No need to do staging.

Recommended (Not necessary):
There steps are only if your installation fails due to any reason so you can restore your registry and system to pre-installation state:
1. When Staging is done successfully then export the registry and save it on a file.
Start > Run > regedit > File > Export and select the location where you want to store it .
2. Take a Computer Restore Point.
Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a Restore Point > Enter name of restore point for example ‘PreOra’ and Press the Create.
3. Restart the PC.

Install winrar so that installation will be faster while unzip stage

Installing the the EBS R12
So far you have done a great job. Now time to get the job done.
1. Go to folder E:\StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz or where you have done your staging on hard drive or external hard drive and just click RapidWiz
2. On welcome screen > Next and Select Install Oracle Applications E-Bussiness R12 Check on Use Express Installation > Next
3. In Express Configuration Information screen change the following (Leave all to default):

a. MKS directory = C:\cygwin\bin or where “cygwin\bin” is  OR C:\mks\mksnt

b. MSDEV directory = C:\MSVS\VC\bin or where VC++ was installed

c. Oracle Base directory =E:\oracle or where ever you want to install oracle applications
4. Follow the wizard and you should pass all the Pre-Install Checks. If not then you did not follow instructions above and help yourself.
5. If you passed all the checks then just Click Next and follow the Wizard and installation will be done in 5 steps and take about 2-3 hrs depends upon the system.
6. After the installation is completed successfully (it should be) then Post-Installation Checks will be preformed. If you passed all the checks It is really a Wonderful and You Rocks
7. If your system don’t pass the Post-Installation Checks even then don’t worry just smile coz installation is successful you need to restart your PC and Open Command Prompt open to staging directory: d:\StageR12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz
And now just type rapidwiz –restart
8. Follow the Wizard and Enter all the info as you enter before Now This time it will take few minutes and you should pass Post-Installation Checks
9. If still a problem just repeat above step again you will get to it . Restart the PC and enter the URL in web browser
10. E-Bussiness Login Username = operations Password = welcome

Optional Steps for Remote Access


Computer Config > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment

--> Allow log on through Terminal Services

Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Install Terminal Server

Terminal Services Configuration

Server Settings > Restrict each User to one session

Other Useful links and References:

[1] Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Microsoft Windows Server (32-bit) (Doc ID 761567.1)
[2] Note: 405293.1 (Oracle Applications Release Notes Release 12)
[3] Note: 402311.1 (Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.0) for Microsoft Windows)
[4] Note: 414992.1 (Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Windows)
[5] Oracle® Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install Release 12 (Part No. B31295-02)
[6]Statement of Direction: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 - Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (Doc ID 867040.1)
How to migrate from Cygwin to MKS Toolkit (Doc ID 733303.1)
ID 414992.1
Metalink Note ID 567507.1 for How to Remove an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Windows Environment

Interesting links around EBS Installation (Doc ID 958644.1) very important link for EBIZ

Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.0.4) for Microsoft Windows (Doc ID 402311.1)

I have done cleaning up windows system using below mentioned note id and installed oracle apps  in it work well too

11i: How To Clean Up The UNIX Environment After EBS 11i Install Fails (Doc ID 110372.1)
How to Remove an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.x Windows Environment (Doc ID 567507.1)

Uninstalling Oracle -
1. Log in as the Administrator.
2. Stop all Oracle Services.
3. From a cmd window, run C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\deinstall\deinstall.bat.
4. Delete the C:\app\oracle directory.
5. Remove the following registry entries as per
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\Oracle Services for MTS

Monday, March 19, 2012

Importance of FND Tables

Webserver checks that username and passwords need to authenticate against database FND_USER table.
All the information about responsibilities and corresponding applications could be found in FND_RESPONSBILITY

All the info about applications(products coul be found in FND_APPLICATION
FND_EXECUTABLES: Have all the executables.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS: Lists the all the concurrent programs.
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS :stores information about individual concurrent requests. Each row includes values that identify the particular request and its parameters, such as who submitted it, the request type, whether the request should run sequentially with other requests in the same logical database (SINGLE_THREAD_FLAG), whether the request is on hold (HOLD_FLAG), whether to display the request in the View Requests form for the request submitter to review, and what status and phase the concurrent request is in
FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES stores information about concurrent managers. Each row includes values that identify the ORACLE process, the operating system process, and the concurrent manager (QUEUE_APPLICATION_ID and CONCURRENT_QUEUE_ID).

AD / Patches


How to use ADADMIN Utility


In order to ensure that Oracle Applications system runs smoothly, we must perform routine maintenance tasks. We run maintenance tasks from the command line using AD Administration. Once we start this utility, it presents the tasks in menu form, grouped generally by type of activity you will perform. For example, the tasks associated with compiling and reloading Applications database entities are grouped on the same menu.
We can use AD Administration to complete some runtime tasks during or after an installation or upgrade, or any time thereafter.
On a broad level the tasks performed by adadmin can be categorized into database activities and Applications file system management tasks.
Similar to AutoInstall and AutoPatch, adadmin can run parallel workers for most database tasks and some file system tasks.

Preliminary Tasks before running Adadmin:
1.      Logging in as applmgr.

2.      Running the environment file.

3.      Verifying if ORACLE_HOME is set properly.

4.      Verifying if ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK identifies the correct database.

5.      Ensuring that ORACLE_HOME/bin and AD_TOP/bin are in PATH.

6.      Shutting down concurrent managers when relinking certain files or performing certain database tasks.

7.      Ensuring sufficient temporary disk space.

Running Adadmin:
AD Administration asks you some initial questions.
1.      It confirms your APPL_TOP is correct.
Ex: APPL_TOP is set to /u01/oaprod/oaprodappl
2.      It asks for the name of the log file.
By default this is adadmin.log
3.      It asks if we want to receive an email message if adadmin encounters a failure.
4.      Some SQL scripts perform row set processing. Adadmin asks us to set the number of rows these scripts process.

5.      It asks us the type of files we currently have.
Ex: Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

Do you currently have Oracle Applications forms files installed
in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

Do you currently have concurrent program files installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

6.      It asks us to confirm the database and database home directory.
7.      It asks for the SYSTEM password. It then determines the username for your Application Object Library user.
8.      It determines the AOL Schema from information in data dictionary and asks for the password of AOL schema.
9.      Adadmin determines other installation information.

The main menu of adadmin presents you with the following six choices

AD Administration Main Menu


1. Generate Applications Files menu

2. Maintain Applications Files menu

3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

5. Change Maintenance Mode

6. Exit AD Administration

first two options are related to maintaining applications file system the second two options relate to database activities, the fifth option here is used to put the system in maintenance mode and bring it back from maintenance mode.

1.      Generate Applications Files:

If system users are having difficulty accessing messages, forms, or reports, you may be able to resolve the issue by generating the associated files. Or, when you apply a patch that adds or changes product functionality, you may want to generate the associated files after you apply the patch, instead of running the generate driver during the patching downtime. The generate files tasks may be performed on any server, as required.

Under the Generate Applications Files Menu you can perform the following tasks

Generate Applications Files

1. Generate message files

2. Generate form files

3. Generate report files

4. Generate graphics files

5. Generate product JAR files

6. Return to Main Menu

a)      Generate Message Files:
Oracle Applications uses these files to display messages. This task generates message binary files (extension .msb) from Oracle Application Object Library tables.
Caution: Run this task only when instructed to do so in a patch readme file, or by Oracle Support Services

b)      Generate form files: Generates executable Oracle form files (extension .fmx) from the binary forms definition files (extension .fmb). The definition files are located under AU_TOP, and the executable files are stored under each product’s directory.

c)      Generate report files: Generates the binary Oracle Reports report files (extension .rdf).

Adadmin Prompts for following information :
■ Ask for the number of workers and generate selected objects for selected products in parallel.
■ Display the current character set (from NLS_LANG) and ask if you want to generate form or report objects in this character set.
■ Ask if you want to regenerate Oracle Forms PL/SQL library files, menu files, and executable files. (Form files only.)
■ Ask for the products associated with the form or report objects.
■ Ask if you want to generate specific form or report objects for each selected product.
■ Display the current set of installed languages and ask if you want to generate form or report files in these languages.
■ Create a list of all objects to generate.
■ Display the list of objects to be generated. (Specific objects or all objects.)

d)     Generate Product JAR Files:
Generate Java archive (JAR) files whenever you upgrade the Developer technology stack or when recommended by Oracle Support Services. It signs JAR files (if on the Web server) and does the following:

■ Generates product JAR files in JAVA_TOP and copies them to APPL_TOP.
■ Generates other Java-related files under APPL_TOP and JAVA_TOP.
■ Recreates Java libraries ( and under APPL_TOP and JAVA_TOP.

When you run the task, it prompts: Do you wish to force generation of all jar files? [No] If you choose No, it generates only JAR files that are missing or out-of-date. If you choose Yes, all JAR files are generated.

Note: If AD Administration displays a list of warnings or errors and objects that did not generate successfully and asks if you want to continue as if successful, review the log file to determine if the problems require attention. If you choose not to continue and restart your session at a later time, AD Administration attempts to regenerate only the files that did not generate successfully.

e)      Generate Graphics files:
This task generates Oracle graphics files for all installed languages. Extension of the file name like (*.ogd).

2.      Maintain Applications Files :

Certain maintenance tasks are required to keep your Applications files up to date. For example, you may need to copy product files to a central location or convert files in the APPL_TOP to another character set. These tasks are grouped on the Maintain Applications Files menu.

Under the Maintain Applications Files menu you can perform the following tasks

Maintain Applications Files

1. Relink Applications programs

2. Create Applications environment file

3. Copy files to destinations

4. Convert character set

5. Maintain snapshot information

6. Check for missing files

7. Return to Main Menu

a)      Relink Applications programs

Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs with the Oracle server libraries so that they function with the Oracle database. For each product, choose whether to link all executables or only specific ones.
Note: The default is to relink without debug information. Use the debug option only when requested to do so by Oracle Support Services.

b)     Copy files to destinations

Copies files from each product area to central locations where they can be easily referenced by non-Applications programs. This option uses revision-based copy logic to ensure that the destination file versions are the same as, or higher than, the source file versions.

Note: We recommend that you do not use the force option to overwrite existing files unless instructed by Oracle Support Services. Copying files with this option updates all JAR files. JInitiator then downloads required JAR files to each client again, causing runtime performance degradation.

The file types and their respective destinations are shown in the following table:

These files:                                               copied to (UNIX)
Java files                                                   $JAVA_TOP
HTML files                                                $OAH_TOP
Media files                                                 $OAM_TOP

Note: When this option is used to copy reports or graphics files, the default destination is under AU_TOP.

c)      Convert character set:

Prepares the files in the APPL_TOP for conversion to another character set, and then performs the conversion.

When you choose this option, AD Administration presents another submenu, which contains options for scanning your files in preparation for the conversion. The scan searches for exceptions — files that will have incomplete (lossy) conversions — so that you can fix potential problems before you actually convert the character set. Choose one of the following scan options.

1.       Scan the APPL_TOP for exceptions. Scans the APPL_TOP and creates three files in the admin\<SID>\out directory.

File                                                      Contents
admanifest_excp.lst               Lists files that will not be converted because of lossy conversion. admanifest.lst                             Lists files that can be converted.         
admanifest_lossy.lst                   Lists files with lossy conversions, including line by line detail.

Review the files listed in admanifest_excp.lst. Fix files that report lossy conversion before you convert the character set. Repeat this task until there are no entries in admanifest_excp.lst. If you need to see more detail, review admanifest_lossy.lst.

2.       Scan a CUSTOM directory for exceptions. Collects the same information as the first task, but scans custom Applications directories rather than the APPL_TOP directory.
3.       Convert character set. Run this task only if admanifest_excp.lst has no entries. It prompts you for the manifest file (admanifest.lst) created when you ran the scan option(s).

The utility backs up the product source files and the APPL_TOP/admin source files. It saves product files in the <PROD>_TOP directories in the format <prod>_ s_<char_set>.zip. It saves admin source files in the APPL_TOP/admin directory in the format admin_s_<char_set>.zip

d)     Maintain snapshot information:

There are two types of snapshots: APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots. An APPL_TOP snapshot lists patches and versions of files in the APPL_TOP. A global snapshot lists patches and latest versions of files in the entire Applications system (that is, across all APPL_TOPs).

Both APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots may be either current view snapshots or named view snapshots. A current view snapshot is created once and updated when appropriate to maintain a consistent view. A partial view snapshot allows you to synchronize only selected files from a current view. A named view snapshot is a copy of the current view snapshot at a particular time (not necessarily the latest current view snapshot) and is not updated.

Patch Wizard uses the information contained in the global current view snapshot to determine which patches have already been applied. AutoPatch uses the APPL_TOP current view snapshot to determine if all prerequisite patches have been applied to that APPL_TOP. Snapshot information is stored in the AD_SNAPSHOTS, AD_ SNAPSHOT_FILES, and AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES tables.

During a new installation, Rapid Install creates a current snapshot as a baseline. And, each time you run AutoPatch, it automatically creates a new (updated) snapshot so that the information is current as of the application of the patch.

Maintain Snapshot Information menu options :

■ List snapshots (stored in the system)
■ Update current view snapshot (full or partial APPL_TOP and global)
■ Create named snapshot (select a current view snapshot to copy and name)
■ Export snapshot to file (select one to export to a text file)
■ Import snapshot from (a text) file
■ Delete named snapshot (select a snapshot for deletion)

Maintain current view snapshot information: When you maintain a current view snapshot, you can choose to synchronize selected files — maintaining a partial snapshot — instead of synchronizing all files for the entire APPL_TOP. Use this option when you have copied only a few files to the APPL_TOP.
1.        Select the Update Current View Snapshot option from the Maintain Snapshot Information menu.
2.        From the Maintain Current View Snapshot Information menu, select one of the following options:
■ Update Complete APPL_TOP This is the original functionality of the Update Current View Snapshot option. It synchronizes all the files in your APPL_TOP.

■ Update JAVA_TOP only Synchronizes only the files in the JAVA_TOP. At the prompt, enter the path to the JAVA_TOP subdirectory where the files were copied. If the files were copied to more than one directory, press Enter. AD Administration scans the entire JAVA_TOP and updates the information in both the current view and the global view snapshots.

■ Update a <PRODUCT>_TOP Synchronizes only the files in a specific <PRODUCT>_TOP. Enter the product abbreviation, then provide the subdirectory information at the prompt. Enter the path to a single subdirectory in the <PRODUCT>_TOP. If the files were copied to more than one directory in the <PRODUCT>_TOP, press Enter. AD Administration scans the entire <PRODUCT>_TOP and updates the information in both the current and the global view snapshots.

e)      Check for Missing Files:
 Verifies that all files needed to run Oracle Applications for the current configuration are in the current APPL_TOP. Choose this task if you suspect there are files missing in your APPL_TOP.

3.  Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities:
To compile or reload database entities, choose the Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities Menu option from the AD Administration Main Menu.           
You run the tasks on this menu any time you need to compile or reload database objects. For example, after you upload new menu entries or apply a patch that changes the setup of flexfields. Run these tasks only on the node where the core AD technology directories (the administration server) are located.
Under the Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu you can perform the following tasks

Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities

1. Compile APPS schema

2. Compile menu information

3. Compile flexfields

4. Reload JAR files to database

5. Return to Main Menu

a)      Compile APPS schema

Spawns parallel workers to compile invalid database objects in the APPS schema.

Note: The need for a separate MRC schema has been removed in this release, as has the associated prompt to run Invoker Rights.

b)     Compile menu information

Compiles menu data structures. Choose this task after you have uploaded menu entries to the FND_MENU_ENTRIES table, or if Compile Security concurrent requests submitted from the Menus form (after changing menu entries) fail for any reason.

AD Administration asks if you want to force compilation of all menus. If you choose the default (No), only menus with changes are compiled. If you enter Yes, all menus are compiled. Compiling all menus is generally not advised.

c)      Compile flexfields

Compiles flexfield data structures in Oracle Application Object Library (FND) tables. Choose this task after you apply a patch that changes the setup of flexfields. Patches usually indicate when you should perform this step.
Flexfields automatically compile data when you use them for the first time, so running this task is not required. However, compiling flexfield data at a specific time (for example, when system use is low), rather than automatically at first use, can alleviate potential runtime performance issues.

d)     Reload JAR files to database

Reloads all appropriate Oracle Applications JAR files into the database. Choose this task if all Oracle Applications Java classes are removed from your database, for example, if the database Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is reloaded because of a corrupt database.

4. Maintain Applications Database Entities:
During normal system use, the integrity of your database can be compromised, for example through user error or after you apply a large patch. It’s a good idea to verify the integrity of database entities as a regular maintenance procedure, or whenever the behavior of your system indicates that database entities may have been corrupted.
Some tasks on this menu report on issues, or potential issues, with database entities, and others actually remedy the issues. Run these tasks only on the node where the core AD technology directories (the administration server) are located.

Under the Maintain Applications Database Entities menu you can perform the following tasks

Maintain Applications Database Entities

1. Validate APPS schema

2. Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema

3. Maintain multi-lingual tables

4. Check DUAL table

5. Maintain Multiple Reporting Currencies schema

6. Return to Main Menu

a)      Validate APPS schema

Verifies the integrity of the APPS schema. It produces a report named <APPS schema name>.lst that lists issues and potential issues, grouped by the action required:

■ Issues you MUST fix (not specific to the APPS schema)
■ Issues you MUST fix (specific to the APPS schema)
■ Issues you may want to address (specific to the APPS schema).

 The report is located in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out (UNIX), where <SID> is the value of the ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK variable, or in %APPL_ TOP%\admin\<SID>\out (Windows), where <SID> is the value of the LOCAL variable. Each section of the file contains instructions for resolving the issues that are listed. Most issues can be fixed by either compiling invalid database objects or recreating grants and synonyms.

b)     Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema

This task recreates grants and synonyms for the Oracle Applications public schema (APPLSYSPUB), recreates grants on some packages from SYSTEM to APPS, and spawns parallel workers to recreate grants and synonyms linking sequences and tables in the base schemas to the APPS schema.

Typically, you run this task after the Validate APPS schema task has reported issues with missing grants and synonyms.

c)      Maintain multi-lingual tables

Run this task after you add a language. It prompts you for the number of workers, then updates all multilingual tables.

d)     Check DUAL table

Some Oracle Applications products must access the DUAL table. It must exist in the SYS schema and contain exactly one row. This tasks verifies the existence of this table and the single row.

e)      Maintain Multiple Reporting Currencies schema
It invokes PL/SQL packages which maintain database objects for these features. (See admntmls.pls and admntmcr.pls in $AD_TOP/admin/sql)

MRC and MLS are both implemented using "adjunct APPS schemas", meaning a
complete copy of the objects in each APPS schema is replicated (and enhanced,
in some cases) into an APPS_MRC and/or APPS_MLS schema. Whenever a
change is made to an APPS schema, the modifications must be reflected in the
adjunct schemas; otherwise, MRC and MLS functions may fail.
This task is only displayed on the Database Objects menu if you have
Multilingual (MLS) or Multiple Reporting Currency (MRC) functionality currently

5. Change Maintenance Mode:
Maintenance mode controls the system downtime period by managing user logons. You toggle maintenance mode from enabled to disabled from the Change Maintenance Mode menu.

Under the Change Maintenance Mode you can do the following

Change Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode is currently: [Disabled].

Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on to the system. See the Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.

Please select an option:

1. Enable Maintenance Mode

2. Disable Maintenance Mode

3. Return to Main Menu

If you notice the message this menu selection also shows the maintenance status (disabled in our case) of the system.

You can also forcefully exit adadmin at any point of time by typing 'abort’, This will however result in a unclean exit of adadmin and the next time when you run adadmin you will be prompted with the option to start fresh or continue with the previous session as described earlier.

The arguments and options that you can use to refine the operation of a utility are listed, along with a brief description of how they work. Here’s an excerpt from the command line help for AD Administration.

* <localworkers> = Used in Distributed AD. The number of workers to run on the local machine.
* <flags> = Generic flags passed to AD utilities. The available values for Adadmin are hidepw and trace.
* <defaultsfile> = The defaults file name that is located under $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/ directory.
* <menu_option> = Skips the menu in Adadmin and executes the task

Usage:  adadmin [help=y]

adadmin [printdebug=y|n][localworkers=<localworkers>]

adadmin Non-Interactive mode
[defaultsfile=<$APPL_TOP/admin/SID/defaultsfile>]   [logfile=<logfile>][interactive=y|n]                                       [workers=<workers>][menu_option=<TASK_NAME>][restart=y|n]

The following table lists the menu options and the corresponding menu tasks:

Menu Option                                     Corresponding AD Administration Menu Choice
GEN_MESSAGES                            Generate message files
GEN_FORMS                                    Generate form files
GEN_REPORTS                                Generate reports files
GEN_JARS                                        Generate product JAR files
RELINK                                             Relink Applications programs
COPY_FILES                                    Copy files to destinations
CONVERT_CHARSET                    Convert character set
SCAN_APPLTOP                              Scan the APPL_TOP for exceptions
SCAN_CUSTOM_DIR                     Scan a CUSTOM directory for exceptions
LIST_SNAPSHOT                             List snapshots
UPDATE_CURRENT_VIEW          Update current view snapshot
CREATE_SNAPSHOT                     Create named snapshot
EXPORT_SNAPSHOT                     Export snapshot to file
IMPORT_SNAPSHOT                      Import snapshot from file
DELETE_SNAPSHOT                      Delete named snapshot
CHECK_FILES                                 Check for missing files
CMP_INVALID                                Compile APPS schema
CMP_MENU                                      Compile menu information
CMP_FLEXFIELDS                                     Compile flexfield data in AOL tables
RELOAD_JARS                                Reload JAR files to database
VALIDATE_APPS                            Validate APPS schema
CREATE_GRANTS                          Recreate grants and synonyms for APPS schema
Menu Option                                     Corresponding AD Administration Menu Choice
MAINTAIN_MLS                             Maintain multi-lingual tables
CHECK_DUAL                                 Check DUAL table
ENABLE_MAINT_MODE               Enable Maintenance Mode
DISABLE_MAINT_MODE                         Disable Maintenance Mode