Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cold Backup Cloning of Oracle Apps DBA R12.1.1

Cold Backup Cloning


1)      Target database is similar in configuration to source database.
2)      oratest and appltest users are created in the target database under dba group.
3)      Environment is always set when logged in as oracle or applmgr in source system.

Pre Cloning Steps:

1) DB Tier is precloned first. Ex: cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/SID/   perl dbTier

2) Apps Tier to be precloned next. Ex: cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID/ perl appsTier

Cold Backup:

1)      Shutdown Application, Listener and Database. Verify if they are down.
$ ps -ef|grep applprod
applprod 10031  1471  0 18:24:46 pts/ta    0:00 ps -ef
applprod 10032  1471  1 18:24:46 pts/ta    0:00 grep applprod
applprod  1471 29301  0 18:06:07 pts/ta    0:00 –sh

$ ps -ef|grep tns
applprod 10105  1471  0 18:25:41 pts/ta    0:00 grep tns

$ ps -ef|grep oraprod
applprod 10107  1471  0 18:25:46 pts/ta    0:00 grep oraprod
oraprod 29760 29518  0 17:48:26 pts/tb    0:00 -sh

2)      Copy APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP and ORA_TOP from applmgr and move it to Target system under appltest directory.
Ex : scp –r <filename> root@<ipaddress>:<location>
3)      Copy DATA_TOP and DB_TOP from oracle and move it to Target System under oratest directory.
Ex : scp –r <filename> root@<ipaddress>:<location>
4)      Now change the ownerships of the moved files in the target system accordingly.
Ex: chown –R appltest:dba <filename>
      chown  –R oratest:dba  <filename>

Post Cloning Steps:

1)      DB Tier is configured first. Ex: cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin  Perl dbTier.
2)      Enter apps password and all other relevant information.
3)      The database is started.
4)      Apps Tier is configured next. Ex: cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin   perl appsTier
5)      Enter apps password and all other relevant information accordingly.
6)      After it is completed, it prompts whether to start Applications or not.
Log Files :
1)      cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/CONTEXT NAME/*.log
2) cd $APPPL_TOP/admin/CONTEXT NAME/log/*.log or 
cd  /u01/inst/apps/PROD_ashirwad/admin/log/StageAppsTier_11021810.log(R12)

Note:    If u want to take backup use commands
            tar -cvf filename.tar <directoryname>  ß creates
            tar -xvf filename.tar <directoryname>  ß reads
            tar –C <location> -xvf filename.tar     ß untars at a particular location